The Little Mermaid (Edward Eriksen 1913). Graceful, fragile and numb. Picture of the Little Mermaid is not shown due to strict distribution regulations for pictures of the sculpture.
Less famous but more expressive in conveying the fate of the Mermaid: The Mermaid (Anne-Marie Carl Nielsen 1921). The Mermaid rises from the sea. Alarmed, terrified perhaps already traumatised by the first breath of air. (Remember, she got her tongue cut of) Yet ready to go for it – the Prince, life!
The Genetic Mermaid (Blørn Nørgaard, 2006). The mermaid cut into pieces and put back together. Amputated, unredeemed, mauled.
The Male Mermaid spectacular and shining but just as sad as The Little Mermaid. He (Elmgreen & Dragset 2012). Here he is, finally. The Mermaid Man. Maybe the female Mermaid doesn’t have to transform herself and become human. She can experience love and act out her desire right here!
The Diva Mermaid with octopus on the beach. Caught between Ocean and Land
Remorse, regret, withdrawal?
Pin Up Mermaid. What’s up?
Mermaid “stalks” Man
Mermaid with Pipe. Though the Pipe is tiny her hand it is there.. Taking after the painting C’est ne pas une pipe by Magrittes. Is this not a man? Or is this not a woman? Would life be easier being a man? Is it necessary to become a man?
Mermaid rescues Prince. Superwoman – here she comes.
Mermaid Molested. Amputated woman. Her tongue is cut off.
Mermaid misses the Sea. She is considering returning to the sea.